Center for Information as Evidence

UCLA Department of Information Studies




This exciting new colloquium series, sponsored by the Center for Information as Evidence in the UCLA Department of Information Studies, will bring together scholars from across the campus to discuss a range of information-related themes that emerge in the work of several disciplines, and creative and multivariate approaches with which they are addressed. The forum is an occasion for distinguished faculty to reflect upon the interdisciplinary nature of their research and teaching experiences, raise stimulating questions, and explore new research directions.


There are few opportunities to consider information issues simultaneously from the perspectives of the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences.  The panels will provide an open and engaging forum for participants to consider their work and the work of their colleagues from an alternative perspective that otherwise might not be readily available within respective fields.  It is the hope that the audiences and participants will come away with a new outlook on essential and relevant issues and concepts central to the use and consideration of information such as time, space, social relationships, culture, medicine, memory, the environment, and politics.


All the panelists are engaged in innovative approaches to their field, whether that means using new technologies to explore old questions and raise new ones, or combining disciplines that on the surface may appear divergent or incompatible.  Each panel will consist of three 15-minute presentations by distinguished faculty followed by an extended question and answer session.